then vs than grammar monster

When to use Then. It can be used to indicate 'at that time', for example, 'I was at work then.'. 2: It is fair quality. would. Here's the bottom line. Than.vs Then. The price hike affects the poor more then the rich. Who, that, and which - when do you use them? If you can remove the clause without destroying the meaning of the sentence, the clause is nonessential and you can use which. 'Than' is basically used as a conjunction. Those are yours. Than is used to form comparisons between two things. Difference between using then and than. Than vs. Then. Just. * When an adjective ends in the letter E, we just add the -R (for comparatives) or -ST (for superlatives). answer choices. Then is commonly used to express a sense of time or what comes next or used to be. Then vs. Than. Than is always used for comparing two things. Than is a conjunction used to introduce the second part of an unequal comparison. He is younger than his wife. Simply paste or write your text below and click Check My Writing to get feedback on your writing. It is used as an adverb ("I lived in Idaho then"), noun ("we'll have to wait until then"), and adjective ("the then-governor"). One-syllable Adjectives. Question 1. On the opposite hand, the word 'then' is employed either to indicate a sequence of events or a way of your time. affect vs effect. She went to the mall then to the park. Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich bag. Watch the full video below. They taste funny. Then indicates time. The words than and then appear very similar. Then answers the question when. Then refers to a specific point in time. Learn about when to use one over the other here. Then vs. Than. than then. More then can be seen together in some situations where it is not used as a single phrase in itself. Both "than" and "compare" have an "a" in them. "Rather than" should be used to state a comparative preference (i.e., "I walk rather than run" generally means that someone prefers to walk over running). Then is an adverb that is used to refer to a particular time in the past or the future. Answers are included in this printable packet. A few examples: "I'll have to prepare until then.". Then is commonly used to express a sense of time or what comes next or used to be. Would is an auxiliary verb - a modal auxiliary verb. We ate and then we went to the movies. Than Examples: You are older than I am. ; Movies were a lot cheaper back then. [Infographic provided by] To download high-resolution poster click here English, the Crazy Quilt Language Before . Then or Than worksheets and printables? Sometimes, than can be used to indicate time, but it is still typically a comparison. browse the examples fastidiously to grasp. It is better that I thought. They were worn more then than they are now. "Republicans Used To Care About Cabinet Disclosures. Then vs Than. We also use would for other functions, such as: expressing desire, polite requests and questions, opinion or hope, wish and regret. Here, 'that' stands for 'the colour'. Either as a noun, adverb, or adjective. This is a sure-fire way to keep from getting the two mixed up. Women like silent men, they think they're listening. Associated Press style used to discourage writers from using "over" to mean "more than," but that changed in 2014 because there was never a grammatical reason for the rule. She goes to the mall more than the park. Than. Watch more Grammar Lessons: when to use "then" versus "than" from Gotham Writers' Workshop instructor. Grammarly is like a little superpower, especially . Then vs. Than. ' Then we will have to walk home.'. Comments (0) - Link to this exercise from your website or blog: Shundalyn Allen. Who vs.That. What Is The Difference Between "Rather Than" And "Instead Of"? Q: Rather Then or Rather Than? Then is a time expression. B. Vocabulary worksheets: use of than or then in sentences. Prev Next Report. Gas was less expensive then. The word then has many uses; however, than is only used in comparisons. These grade 5 vocabulary worksheet has students select than or then to complete each sentence. We do not write two Es together. then vs than. Give them practice distinguishing between the two. in comparative statements when comparing two things. 1. "The then-Captain of the ship . As an adjective, it conveys the . Than, on the other hand, is a preposition that is used to introduce the second part of a comparison. The word than suggests some sort of comparison. The Quick And Dirty. It is mostly used when making a comparison or depicting amount/quantity. Then refers to a moment in time or puts things into an ordered sequence. Prev Next Slideshow (You can use your keyboard arrow keys ) Follow @MemeGuy1. In this video, you'll learn when to use the words "then" and "than". Often, "then" is used in describing the order of events. Under "than" - Sentence #3 makes no sense at all. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: intermediate. their vs they're. affect vs effect. (Don't let the word many throw you off—concentrate on the noun.) Grade: 1. Meanwhile, the word then is mostly used as an adverb which means "at that time" or "at the time in question.". Select the correct one. To form the comparative, we add -er to the end of the adjective. Find this Pin and more on 4th grade by Lindsay Olivia. Chennai is hotter than Mumbai. 'The last bus has gone.'. In a defining clause, use that. Many words that sound the same have completely different meanings, and some words that sound the same have different spellings. . Put simply, a sentence fragment is a clause that falls short of true sentencehood because it is missing one of three critical components: a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. in a snowball fight 2. All a series of words needs is a capital at the . "Instead of" should be used to state a substitution (i.e., "I walked instead of running" means you chose . In a recent newsletter, I corrected myself after some readers wrote in saying the word that should have been who in the sentence "There's not one mother I know that would allow her child to cross that street alone." However, it got me thinking more about this topic, so I dug a little deeper into what some of the leading English usage reference books such as The Chicago . It can also be used as an adjective . express the conditional mood. Test your knowledge and check out examples of who, that, and which as relative pronouns in sentences. Then VS Than. As a result, among some stylists you'll find a distinct preference for the expression . That was much better than I was expecting. Use than to show comparison. Date: 12 - Apr - 2011 Level: elementary Age: +6. Then Vs Than Worksheet 1 For Google Apps : Students often struggle with the words then and than. Do you plan to cook the turkey ( then than )? It's common to mistake then vs. than when writing something down, even though they're two distinct words. In a nutshell: "Then" usually refers to a moment-at that time, after that, in that case. So correct option is "Rather than". 2: It could be corrected but the edit would be noticeable. The price hike affects the poor more than the rich. Than is not related to time, it is a conjunction. She was later than usual. To express regret about something that has already happened, 'would rather' is followed by the past perfect. Menu. She is taller than me. Have students observe the commonly confused words . The phrase "More than" or "More…than" is used to imply comparative attributes to two entities where one is greater in quality or quantity than the other. If you miss the last ferry, than then. homonyms. To form the superlative, we add -est to the end of the adjective. Close. More Pictures. A Grammar Rumble. The correct sentence is: It is better than I thought. These two words are very close in their appearance, but "than" vs. "then" have very different uses. When trying to determine whether you should use "than" or "then," remember that "than" makes a comparison, whereas "then" involves ordering events or items. It is most commonly used as an adverb. BB Code: Web/Blog: More Photos Tags: funny. Than and then. An example for the former could be, "My cousin . 3: It is low quality. Then. People use which and that every day. Students struggle with the difference between than and then. From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly's suggestions are comprehensive, helping you communicate effectively and as you intend. ← comparison. It was simply the preference of some influential editors. we'll go. Under "then" - Sentences #1 and #2 have comma splices; sentence #4 is as well, and doesn't make sense in its current form. Help your kid learn about "then" versus "than" before putting his new knowledge to the test with eight practice problems. Then / Than - Exercise 3. When is it better to give _____ to receive? Examples: If you would like more, then please help yourself. Then vs. Than by mlevandoski. After an extensive search, I can safely tell you that there's no grammatical rule that says you can't use "over" instead of "more than." Most references ( Webster's New World College Dictionary, and, to name a few) define "over" as meaning "more than." In fact, Garner's Modern American Usage flatly states that . Grammarians have been arguing for hundreds of years over whether "than" is a conjunction or a preposition. REINFORCE SKILL. In the sentence above, opportunities is plural, so it requires there are. My brother is younger. Then Vs Than Worksheets. It can also be used as an adverb meaning "afterward" or "in addition.". than then. Vocabulary worksheets: use of than or then in sentences. Live worksheets > English > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Grammar and vocabulary > Than.vs Then. 2. Examples: Parts Of Speech Activities. Grade: Then or Than. Rather than implies . me. is used to show the passing of time. John Spacey, November 29, 2019. Diffen › English Language › Grammar › Words. Jacob would rather work at home ( then than ) at the office. These two words are very close in their appearance, but than vs. then have very different uses. DVDs are more expensive than videocassettes. Students learn grammar "Rules to Remember" for Then vs.Than and practice their usage in a word play activity. 2. and with implied clauses: I woke up earlier than usual. Examples: These babies have been smiling for a while. Learn grammar, idioms, vocabularies, phrasal verbs, pronunciation and more with English C. 30 seconds. Examples. In this video, you will learn the difference between than and then. (For example: Julie had been taller than her little brother at the start of the year, but then Corey grew over the summer until he stood half . This will help your students learn when to use then and than in their writing. Here's how to keep them straight. Social Studies Worksheets. Top Photos. (… more than we expected him to do) Then. The expression is usually followed by a noun, pronoun, or other noun form. This means that they sound almost identical when spoken but have different meanings and spellings. "Then" usually relates to time. Then (/ðen/) is an adverb and it is used to express a temporal relationship between two or more events (with the meaning of "next" or "after"), a cause - effect condition (as a synonymous of "as a result"), or to add some more details to a sentence (with the meaning of "in addition" or "moreover") : It can also indicate the order of events, for example 'We went out for dinner, then we saw a movie.'. But we usually use 'than that of' / 'than those of' when we compare not the objects but the attributes or qualities of those objects : The colour of my camera is brighter than that of yours. The council members argued for three days then eventually came to a decision. Hence, we use the comparative adjective plus the word than. then vs than. Question 1. These vs. Those. ← time. A conjunction is a grammatical particle that connects words, sentences, phrases, and clauses. It may also be used as a conjunction in expressions introducing an exception or contrast. Summary. Likes: 1484 Like Collect. Than with an a, in contrast, is required to serve the function of a conjunction or preposition . Use Then or Than Worksheet 2- Students must decide between choosing "then" or "than" to complete the sentences. We often fail to recognize our sentence fragments because our incomplete thoughts can easily masquerade as sentences. talk about the future in the past. Those babies in the nursery have been crying for hours. The company needs a good accountant more then/than ever. 6. not attempted. It also introduces the rejected choice in expressions of preference. is used to show the passing of time. That is a relative clause used to connect and add more information. [Infographic provided by] To download high-resolution poster click here English, the Crazy Quilt Language Before . A few examples: "I'll have to prepare until then.". homonyms. Under "then" - Sentences #1 and #2 have comma splices; sentence #4 is as well, and doesn't make sense in its current form. Grammar. The word than is a conjunction used when making comparisons. Tags: funny. If someone is recounting an experience they had or telling you a story, they describe . 30 seconds. ©Teacher Created Resources, Inc. #3019 Laugh and Learn Grammar Than/Then • • • • • • • • • • •Practice Page Directions: Write the word then or than to complete each joke. Many words that sound the same have completely different meanings, and some words that sound the same have different spellings. The word then is used to refer to a time when something happened, or to a consequence as in an 'if.then' sequence. Click on the highlighted spelling error, grammar improvements or writing . (… earlier than I usually wake up) He did more than expected. There can be several ways in which it can be used in this way. Completing worksheets is fine but feedback results in the permanent learning. SURVEY. That: How to Choose. What to Know. Our Main Libraries. Few things are more confusing in the English language than words that sound -- and look -- almost exactly the same. 1: It could be corrected easily without any obvious signs of the edit. ID: 1667584. Then is used when you're talking or writing about time. Sentence #5 is awkward, as "then" should be moved to the beginning of the second clause. Than and Then, commonly confused words in the English language. Description: A quick exercise with easy definitions to help students understand the difference between than vs. then. you'll have to take the water taxi. For example, you can say, life was beautiful then because neither of us had any responsibilities but it's tough now as we are married. Than is used to form comparisons between two things. Then can serve a sentence as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun. 'Sara went to the station and then boarded a train to Paris' cannot be written as 'Sara went to the station and than boarded a train to Paris'. Remember to capitalize the first word in a sentence. In this case, you are making an implied comparison; the test was more difficult "than" your previous expectations of . Current AP editors decided to bring the organization in line with all the other major style . Grade: Difference Between Then and Than is that The word 'than' is employed to indicate comparison and could be a conjunction(A conjunction could be a word that joins 2 sentences). Go to the traffic lights, then turn right. Age: 18+. Than is comparing the time of the phone call to 7 pm and cannot be substituted with another word. But their meanings are very different. your vs you're. When students complete the then and than worksheet, be sure to provide them with the feedback about how they're doing. Than introduces a comparison. Then Takeaways: Then and than are homophones. Please give this a thumbs up if you'd like to see more #shor. Use is with singular subjects and are with plural subjects. A-Z Grammar Terms Common Writing Errors A-Z Confused Words Punctuation Lessons Grammar Tests and Games ESL Vocabulary Lessons Parts of Speech Lists A-Z . 3. We use would mainly to: talk about the past. Finally, than can mean "except" or "when.". This is basic grammar. SURVEY. When you think of than, think of comparisons. The Meaning of Then. Than is used in the comparative form i.e. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers. Again, this is a comparison, so the answer is than. Collective nouns usually take is, but you can use are if you need to emphasize the individuals who belong to the group. First we go to Paris; ( then than ) we head for Rome. (= than the colour of your camera ). Grammar teachable. Than is used to draw a comparison between two or more items, while then is used in relation to time and the order in which events occur. Use the "Than vs. Then" activity. Vocabulary and grammar worksheets. Take the sentence: The quiz was harder "than" I had expected. • I prefer getting up early rather than rushing . Click on the correct one (i.e. This is a common mistake. 1. (This means the following are also acceptable: "than he ," "than she ," "than we . Q. . In the activity, students choose which of the commonly confused words to use at several points within three short boxes of text. These grade 5 vocabulary worksheet has students select than or then to complete each sentence. Answers are included in this printable packet. What is the quality of the tattoo? Use the word 'than' when comparing, and 'then' in all other instances. Then with an e is always used as an adverb to describe a time or sequence of a thing in a sentence. • I'd rather you hadn't done that = I wish you hadn't done that. Answers on last page of the worksheet. . The words then and than are often used. Both "then" and "time" have an "e" in them. This will help your students learn when to use then and than in their writing. 1. Students struggle with the difference between than and then. Parts Of Speech Worksheets. The following are illustrative examples. Than vs. Then. When you think of then, think of time. She is taller THEN you or she is taller THAN you? Then and than have two different grammatical functions:. Q. . than: a conjunction that connects two clauses and means except or when; then: an adverb that means at that time, next in order, soon afterwards or as a consequence.. All the grammar you need to succeed in life™ - Explore our world of Grammar with FREE grammar & spell checkers, eBooks, articles, tutorials, vocabulary games and more! Then relates to the 1970s. A simple trick to help you remember the difference is that then is a time word like when. These are mine. Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. infographic. -ING forms: When the main clause has a verb in the -ing form, 'rather than' can be followed by -ing. Sheila reads for an hour and then goes to sleep. Sentence #5 is awkward, as "then" should be moved to the beginning of the second clause. A diplomat is a man who always remembers a. woman's. Then Quiz. The answer is: . Lesson: When to use "than" and "then" in a sentence. The word different is an adjective, but it is not a comparative adjective. 7 Examples of Then vs Than. Then. When to Use Than. Students learn grammar "Rules to Remember" for Then vs.Than and practice their usage in a word play activity. Than is used in comparisons as a conjunction (as in "she is younger than I am") and as a preposition ("he is taller than me"). Than. "Then" has three meanings: (1) Subsequently or afterwards. 3: It cannot be corrected without removal. These and those are the plural equivalents of this and that. In non-defining clauses, use which. Behavior Worksheets; Grammar Worksheets; Holidays and Seasonal; Language . than: a conjunction that connects two clauses and means except or when; then: an adverb that means at that time, next in order, soon afterwards or as a consequence.. Than and then are words that are often confused by both native English speakers and . Here's one more example for you: if you paid attention, then you should . Search Grammar Monster: (This searches the files names and titles for exact matches, so spelling mistakes cause a zero result.) Under "than" - Sentence #3 makes no sense at all. Here, 'that' has been used to avoid the repetition of the noun 'the colour'. Wider (correct) not wideer (incorrect). As an adverb, it often indicates the time, order, or consequence of something. If you fail then your parents will . And how can you tell if you're correct? With than (which rhymes with can) and then (which rhymes with men) sounding so much alike, it is easy to understand why using these words incorrectly is one of the most common grammar mistakes.Luckily, there is quick way to remember which word to use when. This must be finished no later than Wednesday. 1: It is high quality. Both than and comparison have a letter "A" in them. When "than" is used as a preposition, it looks like this: John is taller than me. Language: English. answer choices. If I practiced more, then I would probably improve quicker. Quiz that you do not have to mark. Words : Than vs. Then Quiz. infographic. Tall and short photo from Shutterstock.. Get more tips like this in Grammar Girl . Then is mainly used when one speaker replies to another. Little did I know that I'd stumbled into a controversy that's been hotly debated since the eighteenth century: Is than always a conjunction, or is it sometimes a preposition?Remember, a preposition is a word that combines with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase that modifies an object or action, as in the prepositional phrases before class, by the book, and behind him. It is perfectly acceptable to write: "than I ". For Great Educators. A conjunction is a word that connects two clauses or coordinates words in the same clause. Then. He drinks more than he should. At that . It also means in that case or therefore. ; Quick and Dirty Tip: Both "than" and "comparison" have the letter "a" in them, and "then" and "time" both have the letter "e.". Then - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary 10 Questions Show answers. Than is used in comparative structures. 'Then' is most commonly used as an adverb. ; Aardvark is taller than Squiggly. Then has numerous meanings. Either as a noun, adverb, or adjective. The answer is than . Then is used when you're talking or writing about time. with clauses … This is less important than you might think. It went dark, then there was a scream. Then. You cannot substitute that for than in a comparative sentence. "Than" conveys a comparison. the one which is not a run-on sentence): A. Cannibals don't eat clowns. 2nd Grade Worksheets. You will see it with expressions like since then, until then, see you then, back then, by then, now and then, then and there, every now and then, just . their vs they're. She took the test that was hard. Have students practice the grammar skill by completing the activity as a class, in groups, or individually. "Less than" is the exact opposite expression that signifies smaller or tamer. Helpful ( 1) "The then-Captain of the ship . 10 Questions Show answers. your vs you're. If you keep driving that fast then you're going to get a ticket. This is basic grammar. Everyone Can Write with Confidence "Grammarly allows me to get those communications out and feel confident that I'm putting my best foot forward. Blood is thicker than water (Meaning: family is more important than anything else) When to use THEN. Is mainly used when making a comparison like more, then you & # x27 ; that & x27. Lindsay Olivia exception or contrast an adverb, or consequence of something the. That they sound almost identical when spoken but have different spellings as & quot ; for then vs.Than practice! Would probably improve quicker can you tell if you would like more, then please help.. More than we expected him to do ) then then or than time the. We often fail to recognize our sentence fragments because our incomplete thoughts can easily masquerade sentences... Spelling error, Grammar improvements or writing ; t eat clowns _____ to receive up if miss! 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then vs than grammar monster